Alexander Snegirev “Oil Venus”

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Fedor, the hero of the novel by Alexander Snegirev, is convinced that the weak -minded son was sent to him as a punishment, and is looking for a way to sell a disabled person from his hands. However, the more time they spend at the same time, the stronger the bonds connecting the pragmatist- the father and the blissful fool-son.

Heaviness and tenderness

Fedor, the hero of the novel by Alexander Snegirev, is convinced that the weak -minded son was sent to him as a punishment, and is looking for a way to sell a disabled person from his hands. However, the more time they spend at the same time, the stronger the bonds connecting the pragmatist- the father and the blissful fool-son. What seemed to be a punishment, turns into an invaluable gift – alas, fragile and short -lived. The novel of a 27-year-old writer masterly balancing on the verge of cruelty and tenderness encourages the reader to re-weigh all the components of his life and revise their true meaning.

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