Guide and passage on Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands

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The essence of the project was to drop the bottles with genies to the cities of the enemy cities. It is well known that the genies in a free state are able to only either destroy cities or build palaces. The thoroughly designed genie, freed from the bottle, will not build palaces, and the enemy will have to be tight.

A. Strugatsky, b. Strugatsky, "Monday begins on Saturday"

Older brothers are of two types. Some quietly carry the younger ones by the ears. Others, while in the siege and losing the battle for their own castle, call on an ancient evil in the basement, so that everyone is bad. Our prince Persia was not lucky – his brother Malik was not one of those who twist his ears. Before the prince who came to visit, he managed to ask “you are sure?" – Malik called the ancient evil genie. In fear of the aggressor.

The called “Solomon Army” turned out to be the Horde of Skeletons and Sandy Demons, led by evil ifrit. She really stopped the invasion of enemies – it is difficult to ram the gate when you were turned into a sandy statue. But as a result, only the prince himself and his brother remained in the palace of living people. What is even worse, ifrit, it seems, took our hero for Solomon and firmly intended to kill him.

Razia came to the aid of the prince, the eastern beauty from an alternative measurement. Alas, an affair with her does not shine with her, since she is a woman only externally, and in fact she is an elderly genie of the water element. But new skills and spells from the arsenal of genies will greatly help the prince in battles with demons, as well as in jumping on the walls, columns, beams and other components of traditional puzzles Prince of Persia.

A feat in the ice

The script is not the strongest part of “forgotten sands”, and this is noticeable from the first scenes. Battles on the way to the throne castle can still be attributed to the training regime. Everything else is dragged to the impossibility. Evil, a browning brother, a mysterious magic assistant and sword-in-chalepe, who can only defeat Efrit, are stamps, which could have been ashamed of the studios that created Assassin’s Creed. Dialogues and jokes can not even be close to those that were in the "two thrones". The plot is so predictable that it seems that the developers first came up with puzzles, and only then began to think about how to score the intervals and whether the “typical plot of the number eight” pass, if you beautifully draw up each scene.

The question is not idle, since the beauty of the game really smoothes the impression of the plot. "Forgotten Sands" is the most beautiful game of the series, even taking into account progress. Everything is candy here – a carefully worked out animation in the game and scenes, the interiors of the palaces, the view from the windows to the city. Even fiery ifrites is a handsome man, for nothing that a negative character. Heroes here can be forgiven for beautiful eyes some pattern. It was not, however, without excesses – with the appearance of the prince himself, the artists overdoed it. In our opinion, he turned out to be some kind of … too much in the taste of Clive Barker.

Trample the raven, wait for a response signal

Add the beauty and effects of water – and puddles under our feet, and waterfalls, and jets, which, we should click with our fingers, turn into ice for a few seconds. The waterfall turns into a wall on which you can run, a horizontal stream – into a beam, and a vertical stream into a column. At first, it seems that the game does not complicate this, but try to overcome the barrier from five waterfalls, freezing and “thawing” them in time to fly through one and push off your feet from others.

Another new concept is a game with the past and future of the interior, however, not the same as in the "Fight with Fate". The skill given to us allows us to “recall” a long -existing beam, a ledge or a destroyed wall. The difficulty is that you can only remember one thing, and often you have to do it in a jump, “remembering” the column in front and at the same time “forgetting” the one from which we have just pushed away.

The result is very strongly changed puzzles in which it is necessary to stop the mechanisms, “locking” them with ice, open and close water, jump on ice beams and walls, and at the same time – in time to cause fragments of the past from non -existence.

The last portion of Ginnov's madness – jumping in ravens! The prince naturally jumps on the bird on the back. Until the bird who has not expected such meanness yells and indignantly waves his wings before leaving at the peak, he must have time to jump to solid ground or … to the next crow, which kindly clapping his wings at a distance. Glorious birds! Without them, we would not have overcome the final boss, there the entire first part of the battle is tied on the chains of the raven.

Even enemies help us indirectly. The ability to fly up to the enemy in jumping, borrowed from the warriors and robbers of World of Warcraft, allows you to overcome twenty -meter abysses if skeletons crowded on the other side.

"Let him climb the pots"

The developers decided to simplify the battles with the same skeletons and other demonic rabble. And this is partly correct, because the complex fencing of the "sands of time" and the distribution of enemies in Panama in a jump is a thing for an amateur. Now, in order to defeat enemies, it is not necessary to cram acrobatics, although everyone will still have to look for an approach to everyone. A trifle like skeletons and scarabs can be placed with blows of a sword, it is advisable to kick the shield owners at first, and from mini-bosses with rhino habits you need to dodge in time. Often the battle occurs on small pits at the cliffs, and then Pinks become the easiest way to deal with assistants involuntarily.

The battles in large halls most often occur according to this scenario: a dozen skeletons are chosen from under the ground and begin to chase the prince in a crowd, and he leads enemies behind him and from time to time chopping those who ran forward.

When enemies are in a heap, it is convenient to use spells. The “fiery trace” is just intended to drive a crowd, but much better the “icy blow” – it works great at the moments of the fight itself. The “whirlwind” looks more doubtful – he repels enemies, which is not always useful for us. And quite on an amateur – an “earthen shield”, temporarily reducing damage.

To get spells, as well as their improved versions, you need to kill enemies and spend experience on acquiring talents. The list is not only magic, but also enhanced combat abilities, increased health or the number of “holes” for energy cells. One energy charge just goes to one use of the spell. It is spent on each rewinding time back after an unsuccessful hit under the blades or fall into the abyss. The stock of attempts is a useful thing, so you need to spend energy on spells wisely, so that then everything else is enough.

The method of replenishing energy and health is unusual. Partially they are mined in a battle of the killed enemies, but their main source is jugs lying in the corners. The ringing of blood vessels broken by the sword, like a splash of water, pursued us for a long time after the game was passed.

• • •

Prices would not be a new “prince” if a decent plot was also attached to the game. In all other ways, it is difficult to find fault with the game, since the time of the “sand sands” we managed to get used to the difficulties of this type of platformers – the camera’s extracts and not always balanced puzzles in complexity.

Unless you should say a few unkind words about preserving the game. Okay, let's say, only auto -saving on key points is provided. This is normal, especially since they are placed quite tightly. But why is there only one? We do not require profiles, but why did not make at least three places to save, as in Assassin’s Creed? If the game is about the brothers, so why you can’t give your brother to play in her so as not to threw his own passage? All this is especially strange if you recall that each conservation is recorded via the Internet on Ubisoft servers. They save on the hard drives?

However, the brothers can wait – the plot of “forgotten sands” is not very long, and after eight hours of passing the game remains behind. The farewell scene is beautiful-and this is the slightly distracting attention from the prince’s conversations with her own sword (“I ask, hey, someone at home?") And his sad thoughts about the upcoming explanations with the father of the house, in Babylon.

Verdict: Evil Iphritus and his sand army are a good reason to recall the skills of jumping on the walls and columns. Under the splash of water and the ringing of broken jugs, the Persian prince returns to the origins of the game series.


Basic concepts

Basically, the gameplay of “Forgotten Sands” repeats the original of the updated series – the game “Sands of Time” released in 2005. Only some acrobatic techniques have changed, new puzzles were added and the battle in which the prince can now use spells have changed a lot.

Let's start with the main game element – acrobatics.


The prince of Persia has long been famous as a person ignoring a very rather big part of the laws of physics. Running and jumping on the plane – the lot of other games of the platform genre. The prince moves mostly along the walls.

Vertical race on the wall

This is the main game element of the entire new Prince of Persia series. Approaching the wall and by pressing the necessary key, you will force the prince to take a few steps on it, and then either click on the ledge, or bounce off and return to the same place.

The uninitiated might think that the main idea of ​​this technique is just to climb on low ledges. In fact, the prince will have to climb into very high ledges more often with the following technique: a race on the wall, jump at the top point, then the same jump from the wall opposite. With such a zigzag, the prince can climb very high, but on one condition – two walls, from which he is consistently repulsed, are very close to each other.

If they are located a little further from each other, then here the technique is complicated: before each jump, you must again press the key responsible for the race along the wall – so the prince, before pushing away from the wall, will again run up a few meters upward.

Horizontal race along the wall

This is another very important technique in the game. Its obvious application is to overcome pits. Having adjusted the prince to the edge of the pit and walls, you need to press the race key on the wall and at the same time – the key to the move forward. At the same time, the understanding hero will overcome several meters along the wall, which will allow him to be on the other side of the pit several meters long.

The situation is often found when the pit ends with the wall or does not end at all, and there is nowhere to land, but on the sidelines there is a saving column or surface. In this case, you usually need to press the jump key at the end point of the race and make the prince push off the wall to cling to the column or turn around the corner.

If there is nothing but the wall there, then the horizontal run along the wall can be turned smoothly after the jump into a vertical one, rising between the walls with a zigzag.

Movement along the walls

Except for ledges, for which, obviously, you can cling to your hands, then on the walls in the game there are two elements that allow you to move along them. Firstly, these are horizontal recesses in the wall, allowing, holding and fingering with your hands, moving along them.

Secondly, these are protruding bricks. Sometimes they are not very well visible at first glance, but the developers compensated this for the behavior of the camera. It should be remembered that if you don’t understand where to move on, always look where the camera is directed (and, secondly, where the character looks). Typically, in difficult cases, it turns out that there are protruding blocks on the deaf wall. You can cling to them (jump key), you can move on them both horizontally and vertically (movement keys). Of course, if two clusters of such bricks are at a distance from each other, nothing prevents the prince from running along the wall from one to another.


Columns are often found in the game, and an experienced player will easily remember how to use them – simply jumping on them. The prince is clinging into the column with a dead grip and can now do two things: crawl up and down on it or jumping-usually to the next column, since most often they stand in groups and in a checkerboard pattern.

There are two ways to jump on a neighboring column – fast and slow. A slow method implies a turn on the column with his back to the direction of the jump, and only then – pressing the jump key. Fast – pressing the jump key along with the key. At the same time, the prince makes a jump immediately in the right direction. However, one must be very careful with this way, when the direction of the camera is not too obvious – so the prince can jump in a completely different direction and fly to the abyss.

Horizontal bars and poles

Horizontal bars usually stick out of the walls. You can move on foot on them, you can jump between them, you can jump off them by hanging on your hands (most often the last trick is used to circumvent traps – swinging logs with spikes).

Thin horizontal poles sticking out of the walls are used a little differently – you can only hang on their hands and jump between them. It is better to make a jump decision in advance by pressing the jump key at the moment when the hero grabs his hands for each. If this is not done, the prince will hide the snot and he will have to swing before the jump, spending precious seconds on this (time at such moments can be very important if the prince rides not on metal, but on icy poles).


Long vertical flags on the walls are not without reason made by red. They should be very clearly visible so that the prince saw them from afar and immediately knew – in this place you can smoothly move down, sticking the sword into the panel and cutting it out from above to bottom.

You can use already cut flags – the second time. However, noticing the flag, do not relax – in the second half of the game they often end not in a safe floor, but a deadly abyss. To avoid danger, the prince must look at both and bite away from the wall in time. Sometimes even a jump is not enough and you have to apply the ability presented by a genie – a jerk (about it below).

Inclined surfaces

The prince cannot run along the inclined surfaces – he slides down them down and can only direct his movement a little. Typically, the inclined surface ends with a deadly abyss, so you need to understand in advance what to do next – either jumping forward, or run along the wall with a rebound, or pre -freeze water or indulge in memories (about these abilities – below).

Levers and buttons

Golden horizontal crossbars, usually not sticking out of the wall, and suspended to the ceiling are levers that are driven by the prince hanging on them. Another type of lever is large round buttons in the floor or in the wall. To press them, you need to step on them or touch them in a race along the wall.

Typically, these levers open the doors, change the location of the mechanisms or start or turn off the water. If the button or lever open the door, then there are considerable chances that the door will soon close. There are no particular difficulties in the game to catch the closing door in time, at least diving under it in the roll. However, you should not hesitate either. It is not difficult to have time in other cases when the lever does not act for long – for example, when it shifts the wall, which you can rest for a jump, or a mechanism for which you can see.

There is a third type of lever – turning. It is used to solve puzzles, and its action is never limited to time.

Gifts of the genie

Cute Ginnia named Mazia, according to the plot, will give out special abilities to our prince. We are already familiar with one, while others will have to be mastered from scratch.

Time conversion

From the name it is clear that in front of us is the same dagger of time, but under the new name. Now, however, its charges are measured not with sand, but in portions of universal energy. Its circulation of time shares its spells, so that a balance is needed here: if you return too often in time back, you will not frolic in battle, and if you use the spells too often, you will not have to quickly correct the error and you will have to load from the last conservation point.

By investing in the skills of the role system, you can make the unpleasant time longer or increase the maximum energy supply.

Water freezing

The most unusual and beautiful ability, which, in fact, has become the main novelty of the game. With its help, the prince can turn all the water around him for a few seconds. Waterfalls turn into walls on which you can run. Vertical water flows become columns by which you can climb. Horizontal jets turn into poles.

Water control adds a new puzzles, so to speak, depth. By turning on the water with a lever, you can "call" poles or walls. Sometimes stream of water from the wall break out of intervals or in turn, and then the frost in the jump turns into a non -trivial task.

The restriction of time makes jumping in ice columns a dangerous occupation – a little the player hesitated, and the water thaws, and the prince flies into the abyss. It's good when stone is stone between the ice columns. Having hung on it, the prince can “thaw” the surrounding landscape and thereby reset the counter of the freezing time. It is much worse when there is nothing on the long journey to the saving firmament, and it’s very bad when you have to use waterfalls like walls, flying through one to rest on others. Without accurately verified time for freezing and defrosting, the prince is doomed.

There is one more, not quite obvious, the use of frost – the management of mechanisms. The water wheel, for example, by the will of the prince will tightly freeze into the ice and will not be able to move. The frozen water flow in the door mechanism will not allow her to close while the prince runs to her.


This is a very specific skill that allows you to instantly move to the enemy from a long distance, knocking it down. You can use a jerk only in a jump.

You might think that a jerk is mainly combat skill. But this is not so. It is used almost always only for movement, and specifically – to overcome the space by air. As soon as you get this skill, any impassable hole at first glance will become passable if skeletons stomp at its other end or throws you with fiery shells of a demon. Just jump from the edge and immediately click the jerk key – the prince will make the path through the abyss and kill the enemy very useful (if he is not dead, shove it into the pit, since it is always there).

Speaking of this skill, one cannot help but recall the raven that we have already praised in the review. When they first appear before our eyes, you might think that this is a new variety of enemies. But do not believe the first impression. These cute, kind, shy and innocent birds are completely harmless. In fact, they are our personal carpets. They are applied like this: the prince jumps on one and, while it flutters in the air, jumps from it to safe land or to the next crow. A chain of these birds, hanging motionless in the air, gives us the opportunity to move through the air a very long distance. The main thing is not to hesitate and not go to the ground with a crow, and move in time, pressing the key and a jerk key quickly and consistently.


This skill will appear closer to the end of the game when we find ourselves in the city of genies. With its help, we will re -“recall” the destroyed walls and no longer existing interior items. It sounds foggy, so we can say easier: when you see ghostly poles, columns, walls, ledges or floors, the prince will be able to make one of them real.

Only one ghostly object can simultaneously come true into reality. This is an important reservation. Imagine, for example, that you hang on a “embodied” pole and in front of you is a ghostly. If you call him now, the one on which you hang will disappear, and the prince will overturn into the abyss. Even more offensive inadvertently “forget” the floor under your feet and fly to the pit. The solution is obvious – you need to press the Memory key already in flight.

The concept itself, as you can see, is not very complicated. But the tasks with her become much more difficult if it is necessary not only to “remember” things, but at the same time follow the frozen water, fly through waterfalls, slide along an inclined surface and jump from a raven to the Vorona.

Spells and role -playing system

The developers adapted a small development system to the game, which gives the prince the opportunity to slightly change himself, having learned to four combat spells and strengthening some parameters. You can buy one modification with each level. Levels are earned from the extermination of enemies, bosses and defenseless stone sarcophages that are found in the game in secret places. There are thirty -four skills and their modifications of all, and they can not be obtained in any order – to get to the highest levels of skills alone, you will have to buy other, less necessary.

And here is their list.

Increased health It is very important for everyone who lacks a strip of health in contractions-especially with bosses and mini-bosses.

Increasing the maximum of energy allows you to keep a supply of up to eight energy charges. But it is not worth taking it first of all, since in battle the spells are usually completely replaced by a sword, and multiple correction of their mistakes is not such an important thing, since the points of conservation in the game are placed very tightly.

Combat rage – good skill that enhances the usual blows of the sword. It is recommended in every possible way, since it is the sword waves that are the most commonly used reception in battle. It's a pity only to get to combat rage in a branch of skills is not so easy.

Improved power attack – as the name, it makes powerful power strokes with a sword. It should be taken not in the first place, since it does not always make sense to use this technique at all.

Air strengthening – A thing exclusively on an amateur to jump over the heads of enemies, as it enhances the blows from the jump. This technique is very specific, it is difficult to use it, so there is no much sense in engaging in its strengthening.

Powerful kick – is also not the most useful skill, since the prince is also rarely beaten off with kicks. In addition, to bring down the shield or throw the enemy into the abyss, there is enough ordinary kick.

Strengthening a jerk adds strength to the effect of damage in the area when the prince lands among the enemies. The usefulness is dubious, we have already said above that a jerk is an exclusively acrobatic spell and is used in battle extremely rarely.

Strengthening time increases the period of time, which can be rejected at a time, accidentally killing the prince. I do not advise you to get involved in this, because practice suggests: in almost all cases, the death of the prince is so fast (how much time is needed to collapse into the abyss?) that with more than enough and the length of the usual rewind.

Strengthening frost – And this purchase can just be considered. There is never a lot of time to hold water in a state of ice. This gift is used in the game almost every five minutes. A little calm at the time of choice, where to jump on the ice columns, is worth it to spend on this strengthening.

Double health – This is not what you might think, but just a doubled chance of falling out of enemies and clay jugs of health. However, the thing is very good, and the only drawback of this amplification is that it is difficult to get to it. But closer to the end of the game, it is quite possible to take it, what not to say about the next.

Double energy – double the chance of falling out of enemies and jugs of energy. A wonderful thing, what can I say, when the prince has a lot of energy in reserve, you can pour spells in battles and jump carelessly, each time uniting time ago after the untimely death of the prince. But getting to it is almost unrealistic, at least at the first passage of the game.

Ice blow – The most useful of four combat spells. Calls ice needles that amaze enemies in front of the prince, and do it several times. It is most convenient in it that it does not interfere with fighting, being facing enemies. Improved options for ice strike greatly facilitate the battles with mini-bosses.

Vortex – The second in utility combat spell. It amazes and at the same time pushes enemies around, knocking them down. The blow is dealt once and, since this is a “carpet” spell, acts very well against the crowds.

Fiery trace – But I do not recommend taking it. This spell sets fire to the ground under the prince's feet. It is assumed that it will save the hero when crowds of enemies chase him. But in fact, running from skeletons, luring them on their own trail, is not particularly interesting when there is an icy blow and a whirlwind, perfectly combined with a near battle.

Earth armor stops incoming damage for a short time – improved options lengthen it. This is a combat spell, and not the most useful, as it is replaced by rifts and increased health, and against falling into the abyss (the main cause of mortality among the Persian princes) does not help.


The prince will have to fight with crowds of ordinary enemies and with large clumsy bosses. In general, the battle system has become more brutal and bloody and less demanding on the fencing skills of the player himself.

Varieties of strikes

A normal blow with a sword – Suitable for all occasions. If you beat the enemy with a sword, it is difficult for him to swing and deliver a response blow. If there are a lot of enemies, the sword hurts several at once, which is especially good when the Horde of Skeletons or a flock of scarabs climbs on the prince. Pressing the key key at the time of the blow will determine where the hero will wave it with the sword, which is important if the enemies go from different sides, and there is no time to turn around yourself.

A powerful blow with a sword The prince applies if you hold the impact key and let go when the sword flashes. It is used mainly against well -protected enemies and bosses. The most convenient and safe way to use it is to lure enemies. Move away from the crowd, “soak” a powerful blow and, waiting for the skeletons to come closer and begin to swear, apply it. The amazing effect is guaranteed.

Push it is used when there are too many enemies, but I don't really want to leave myself. With one kick, the prince can push away several opponents at once. The impetus can be fatal if the enemy is between the prince and the abyss. There are a lot of such cases, since the crowds of skeletons often wait for us on ledges, giving the opportunity to use a breakthrough.

This technique has another application – the fight against shields. An ordinary sword that is not strengthened by a crash cannot cause damage to a demon-bell-carrier. But the kick repels the shield and reveals the enemy to strike with a sword.

Drying – Basically, this is only a decoration of the game, a tribute to the memory of the combat system "Pesks of time". In the fight against ordinary enemies there is no reason to jump over their heads. Move in horizontal square and easier and safer. However, in the fight against mini-bosses, the blow in the jump becomes a very important "torn" technique, so it is necessary to master it.

A finishing blow – automatically starts if you hit the sword of the enemy already lying on the ground or knocked down. Theoretically, this technique is very useful. In practice, there are usually no time for lying enemies, as crowds of "walking" are crowded.

Stage blow – It also starts automatically when the prince conducts attacks against the enemy, who is at the parapet before a cliff or near the wall. The prince throws the enemy into the abyss or kills him, crushing him to the wall, the camera at that moment shows what is happening from a spectacular angle, and the enemies temporarily stop attacks to let the player calmly enjoy the sight.


Usually you can get away from the enemy’s blow if you run away and make it to the blow yourself while the enemy catch up with. But sometimes there is no time for this, especially if a mini-boss rushes on you or a crowd of skeletons has already swung. Then the roll is used. Where exactly the prince will rush, you can decide by pressing the direction of the direction.

It is vital to master this technique – and not only because without it it is often difficult to overcome traps or “fit” under half closed doors. Rolling is often the only way to avoid huge damage from game bosses. There is nothing to think of overcome the final without a developed rolling skill – the prince cannot afford to take his blows “on the chest”.


There are two types of mini-bosses-“rhino” and “giants”.

The former differ in that they love, putting their shoulder forward, to run, knocking down all in a row – both the prince and their own allies (with this they greatly resemble the gladiators from Overlord 2). Such an impetus is very dangerous, so you should engage in a “rhino” first of all, following his behavior and moving away from the blow to the rifts to the side. At the end of the run, the monster crashed into the wall becomes vulnerable, as it comes to his senses for a few seconds. It is then that you need to run up to him and beat him with a sword, as well as spells.

However, you should carefully monitor his hands – if the “rhino” is going to hit the ground with a fist, you need to leave the epicenter as quickly as possible. It is difficult to do this, because there is almost no time to react. But such a blow is less dangerous. He marks the new phase of the battle when it is necessary to move away from the "rhino" away and follow him, trying to avoid his new "sprint".

Strategy for the fight against "giants" is a little easier. They also strike at the area, stomping with their foot, but, except for this, are almost not dangerous for the one who mastered the roll. It is easy to predict their swords in advance and evade them, while trying to go from behind and beat with a sword along the Achilles tendons.

The last phase of the battle with a mini-boss is a jump in a jump that must be implemented quickly until the enemy has come to his senses. Seeing that there was an opportunity to strike mercy, you need to quickly press the jump key and beat with a sword.


In total, the game will have three battles with the main boss. The first is performed according to the just described rules: we beat the sword on the heels, avoid strokes on the area, we evade a huge sword. If the prince’s health shakes, and energy reserves will pass, it makes sense to run around the perimeter of the hall, breaking jugs in search of lusty resources.

The second battle is somewhat more complicated, since it includes an additional phase: ifrites rising into the air and begins to conjure intensely. I think there is no need to explain why small wreckage of walls are placed around him.

The final battle also consists of several phases. At first you have to fight on small heels of a solid surface with the armies of skeletons and demons and jump from one to the other with the help of a raven at hand very by hand. It is advisable to save energy in case the prince, slipping from the inclined surface, will not have time to jump, fly on a crow or cling to the pole.

Only after several such jumps and battles will the battle with the boss actually come, the gigantic ifritus. Your goal is a shining medallion on his chest. It is not so easy to get to it – you will have to catch moments when, after the shock of the friter, it will be tired of “leaning” with the chest against the stone platform on which the prince is running. It is vital to avoid strokes – both with a sword and fists. Follow the boss carefully and at the first hint of a blow, begin to leave the affected area.

After several strokes, the boss will begin to let the lasers out of the eyes. This phase is quite light if you run around the site with circles. Then he will call additional enemies and mini-bosses. This, in general, is even good, because it will allow the prince to replenish health and energy. Enemies themselves suffer from the actions of the boss, so they will not inflict a big damage to you. It’s easier not to even pay attention to them, but only to run around the site, evading the boss’s blows. Enemies will not be able to evade and will quickly die, giving you health and energy.

After that everything will happen again. The main thing is to get to the medallion, and you can only do this with a sword – the spells will not help here. At the end, it remains only to jump from the edge of the platform and, having trampled several raven, make the last breakthrough to Efrit.

• • •

Now you have all the knowledge necessary to cope with the ifrites and their minions, go through puzzles and traps and defeat the ancient evil. Dare!

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