The best games in the “Lord of the Rings” universe, part two

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The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King and The Hobbit (2003)

A year later, exactly to the release of the last part of the movie trilogy, the continuation of the "two towers" from EA. With regard to the gameplay, it repeated The Two Towers: the same simple role -playing elements, the same straightforward action. But the novelty looked at the PC and therefore in our country it quickly became folk, which a good local cooperative contributed a lot – it was twice as interesting to play the game with a friend.

► Heroes in the game became an order of magnitude more. In fact, it was allowed to get used to the role of almost any of the important characters: from Aragorn and Gimli to Pippin from Merry. Well, Frodo and Sam finally took their place in the plot. ► sorry that the game was still divided into weakly related episodes. Without watching the film (or without reading the book), it was very difficult to get into the plot.

Sierra suggested players to remember how this fairy -tale story began, and released the game with the uncomplicated name The Hobbit. With the quest of 1982, nothing connected the game, it was the most ordinary three -dimensional platformer in the spirit Super Mario 64. He was played pleasantly and perfectly for children, which corresponded to the spirit of the original source. In addition, the developers handed over the events of the book very accurately: here you have the famous “picnic” with trolls, and rafting along the river in barrels, and riddles in the dark.

► Despite the variety of scenes, the gameplay turned out to be monotonous, for which the game at one time was at a mercilessly criticized. However, it can still be safely recommended for connoisseurs.

The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Ring (2003)

Almost parallel with The Hobbit , the forces of the same Sierra, a strategy was released, completely and completely borrowing mechanics in Warcraft 3: construction of the base, resource mining and heroes with unique skills and abilities. It is dedicated to events, in the book mentioned in passing, but from the canons it does not go a step.

However, the local opportunity to get into the skin of one of Sauron’s subordinates and lead his troops to victory, participating in what was happening before the events of the main trilogy. It is a pity that the game for good and evil was not very different in mechanics.

► Although the game copied Warcraft 3 in everything, she did it very skillfully, and even today it is quite interesting to play.

Unfortunately, grades War of the Ring I received very restrained, and it was badly sold. Perhaps this is due to the lack of original ideas, possibly-with PC exclusivity. But this is where the story of the Games in the Universe "Lord of the Rings" from Sierra ended. And even a sequel The Fellowsip of the Ring, on the subtitle The Treason of Isengard , As a result, it was canceled.

The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth 1-2 (2004-2006)

But not one Sierra tried her strength on the field of strategies in real time. Electronic Arts also had their own experience, and very successful: The Battle for Middle-Earth people deservedly loved. The game not only successfully borrowed ideas from the same Warcraft 3 , but also supplemented them with elements from the series Total War.

And in some ways was originally. So, for example, buildings here were built exclusively in places allocated for them, which markedly transformed the tactics of the base arrangement. And the plot, the following events of the movie trilogy, came to the taste of both players and the press.

► There was an alternative campaign in the game for the forces of evil, which, oddly enough, many players liked much more the main story.

But in the second part, some unique features of the original evaporated. The buildings were still allowed to build anywhere, and the plot missions were pretty simplified, at the same time reducing their number. In return, the developers proposed a new mode – War of the Ring , Where, having chosen one of the six fractions, fought on a global map for dominance over Middle -earth. Many regime liked, and in general, the poor plot campaign, he was generally redeemed. And the plot itself very successfully distracted from gameplay flaws. This time the story focused on book events not shown in the film

► Alternative campaign loved by players for evil did not go away.

► Supplement came out for the game The Rise of the Witch-King, dedicated to the formation of the king-chain. The campaign for good there, by the way, was not at all. ► True, the story of the king-chain was free, since these events were almost not mentioned in the book.

The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (2004) and Tactics (2005)

The trilogy of Peter Jackson has long died out in cinemas, but everything was not enough for fans, and EA perfectly understood that this should be used. Oddly enough, it became the first swallow The Third Age – Real JRPG in the Universe "Lord of the Rings". The course, you see, is unexpected and risky.

With mechanics, everything was here according to the covenants Final Fantasy – Wandering in a large and beautiful world, dozens of quests, step -by -step battles and the development of characters – without original ideas, but at a decent level.

The main claims were presented to history. It is dedicated to the exciting adventures of the Gondor of the Beretor, which occurs parallel to the action of the film. Only these adventures were very unceremoniously treated with all the canons.

Despite the music of Howard Schora and inserts with cinema shots, the plot often went against the events of the film. Which did not prevent the authors from inserting a lot of familiar characters into history, and sometimes quite awkward. Perhaps the battle with the eye of Sauron in the finale became the apogee. Want to play – configure yourself in advance that this is a branch and free fantasy, no more.

► The game was not intended for a wide audience, but rather for the hardcore fans of the universe, and therefore the challenge threw a tangible.

A year later, another bold experiment appeared – The Lord of the Rings: Tactics, This time exclusively for PSP. And if The Third Age imitated the main Final Fantasy series, then Tactics took as a basis how you might guess, Final Fantasy Tactics.

And the transfer of ideas from Japanese game classics to the Tolkien universe, to universal surprise, was a success. The tactics turned out to be solid and even complicated: during the battles I had to actively use the skills of the heroes, take into account the situation and move with dabble. Although to bring their original ideas to the mechanics, the creators were again ashamed.

► as opposed to too free history The Third Age , V Tactics The plot followed the events of the movie trilogy. Without music and videoless cuts from there could not do it again.

The Lord of the Rings Online (2007)

In 2007, Turbine, despite the entire skepticism of players and journalists, released a full -fledged MMORPG in the Universe of the Lord of the Rings. It started not very smoothly and experienced a lot, but today the online Middle -earth feels great and is not going to rest.

The main plus of the game turned out to be her oily minus, because of which it almost closed: The Lord of the Rings Online First of all, focused on the plot and PVE. Experienced MMO lovers, running around the Middle -earth and not finding the opportunity to measure their strength with its other inhabitants, left without saying goodbye. However, the developers continued to insist on their own, releasing updates and large paid additions, still focused on history. And it worked! Over time, a friendly and very large community of genuine connoisseurs of the professor’s work gathered around the game.

► At the time of release, the game wore the proud title of one of the most beautiful MMOs, and today it looks very good.

And it is not surprising, because the local story is a real gift for them. You have to go through the trail of the fraternity of the ring, participating in both well -known and in almost described events in the book. The battles side by side with legendary heroes and the study of the well -known and not very corners of the Middle -earth are attached. Moreover, the game is still regularly replenished with new plot branches. The last at the moment a major update dedicated to the events of Helmova Padi, It turned out literally last year, and either there will still be!

► Since 2011, the game has been distributed free of charge, so you can join (and even, perhaps, you need) at least now.

Another online

In 2009, Electronic Arts made her own attempt to launch the Universe online. A multiplayer action lay down on the shelves The Lord of the Rings: Conquest, openly copying Star Wars: Battlefront. But he, nor folk love, he, alas, won no flattering reviews of critics. The reason is banal and obvious: the game turned out to be useless in all respects, from graphics to gameplay. There was no question of any atmosphere. It was not interesting to play even the most notorious fans of Tolkien.

► Sometimes the opportunity fell out to “steer” famous heroes, but most of the time I had to fight in the role of nameless soldiers, magicians, scouts and archers.

But the moba released in 2012 Guardians of Middle-Earth From Warner Bros. and monolith players and the press accepted quite warm. Compared to the same Dota And Lol She, of course, is rustic, but the entry threshold is an order of magnitude lower. For beginners and just lovers of the Lord of the Rings – the most.

► only in Guardians of Middle-Earth It was possible to deal with the role of Gollum with both the Mers-S-Suy Hobits-Ssa, and with Sauron himself in addition!

The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn’s Quest (2010)

The game is just as sweet and pleasant as simple. Part -time – the first project for the Universe from Warner Bros. (EA has ended the license by this time). Events unfold after the war of the ring. Aragorn is going to visit the width, and Sam, in anticipation of the meeting, tells the children about adventures experienced side by side with the famous hero.

We will bring us to participate in them, only this is limited to the endless extermination of crowds of enemies with the help of a pair of simple strokes. Monotonous, but fun. Well, between the matter, you have to run along the width in the role of one of Sam's sons and prepare the town for the King's arrival.

Despite its simplicity, the game took with charm – a charming, though not very technological, cartoon picture and familiar music perfectly conveyed the atmosphere of a fairy tale and easily plunged into a pleasant nostalgia.

► First of all, the game is designed for children, but adult fans of Tolkien are likely to be satisfied.

Note: If you are close to the image of a fabulous and bright Middle -earth, pay attention to Lego The Lord of the Rings And Lego The Hobbit. From the point of view of gameplay, they differ little from other Lego games, but the atmosphere of a naive, but cute children's fairy tale is created with brilliance. Moreover, the heroes have finally learned to speak here, and the plastic bearded figure, screaming in the voice of Ian McCellen, is a unique sight!

The Lord of the Rings: War in the North (2011)

Initially War in the North It was positioned as a bloody and gloomy slasher in the universe of the Lord of the Rings. In trailers, trolls stomped defenseless people, and orchy heads whistled like bullets, abundantly irrigating the area with blood. In fact, the game turned out to be a good role with large open locations, interesting quests, hunting trophies and long branched dialogs.

But with the action, it just didn’t set here. Three heroes were offered to choose from: an elf-wizard, a dwarf-warrior and Dunadan-Party. But the game for each of them was reduced to the elementary jamming of all living things – as in Diablo. The situation could correct the praised cooperative, but it turned out to be too ordinary. No joint attacks and combinations, only the classic: the dwarf “tank”, the magician heals, the ranger shows enemies with arrows.

But if you really want to play a single role -playing game in the famous universe, and Vol. I and II from InterPlay seem to be archaism, there is no special choice.

► But the plot was a success. History covered the events taking place in the north of Middle -earth during the campaign of Frodo and Sam to the fatal mountain. It turned out fresh and exciting.

* * *

As you can see, Tolkien's games in the Universe are not so few, but the truly breakthrough and revolutionary among them somehow did not happen. However, the situation unexpectedly corrected the released recently Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor, successfully realized a very fresh and bold idea, which other developers will probably be picked up. What is this idea, read in our review if you suddenly missed!

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